Truro & District Motor Club Ltd
Annual General Meeting.
16th May 2022
At Truro Golf Club Truro.
There will be a buffet served at 18:30 with the meeting commencing at 19:00
There will be a buffet for those attending, so notification of your attendance is required for catering. Those wishing to propose someone for election should email the club secretary before Monday 9th May with the nomination.
The meeting MUST start on time as the golf club will close at 21:00
******************** AGENDA ********************
1. Apologies for Absence
2. To accept the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 27th July 2021 via zoom.
3. To accept the temporary Chairman’s report.
4. To accept the Honorary Treasurers report on the finances for the reporting year 2021
5. To Accept the Competition Secretary’s report 2021
6. Election of Committee / Officers:
a. Election of Committee:
b. Election of President:
c. Vice President/s (3 maximum)
d. Election of TDMC Company Directors (5)
e. Honorary Treasurer
f. Honorary Secretary
g. Competition Secretary
h. Membership Secretary
i. Election of Accountants:
j. Election of Company Solicitors:
7. Close of meeting.
Note: There will follow a committee meeting in order to elect the posts of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Link to nomination form in PDF Nomination form 2022
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